What is the refund policy?
Your purchase is 100% refundable prior to filing with the state. Once your filing is sent to the state, we will be unable to refund your state filing fee.
When will I receive my business documentation?
Once we have all of your business information and have confirmed your business name availability, we proceed to filing. After we file with your state, it typically takes one to three weeks. In some states, processing time may be longer.
What if I make a mistake?
If you find that you’ve made an error, please contact us as soon as possible. We will correct what we can.
What kind of support is available once I become a customer of Ready 2 File?
We are available by Chat on Monday through Friday, from 9am to 4pm. You can also send us an email 24/7 at info@ready2file.com
Is business formation tax deductible?
Business formation costs are tax deductible. Up to $5,000 in start-up costs can be deducted from your business tax return for the first year of business. Your filing is essentially free since your tax burden will be reduced.